

(1) Words to be spoken as a pronouncement by Amun-Ra, lord of the thrones of the Two Lands: "My son
(2) beloved lord of the Double Country, Powerful is the justice of Ra, beloved of Amun.  Beautiful!,
(3) these monuments are, pure, strong and efficient that you have done for me!
(4) Great Royal Kingdom Horus (Horus-name of Ramsès III)  I gave you on my part the (eternal) life of Ra,
(5) (many) years as Atum of Heliopolis, and the throne of Geb
(6) (You hold the) Office of Khepri  and Royal Horus of the two Horizons.
(7) You are in the country as king of Egypt, as governor
(8) of this with surrounds Aton. All foreign countries are under your sandals, forever.

Powerful is the justice [Ma'at] of Ra, beloved of Amun (omAhn, Ah-moon, ahmen, aymen)

Amun's name is first recorded in Egyptian as ỉmn, meaning "The hidden (one)".
Egyptologists have reconstructed the name to have been pronounced *Yamānu (/jamanu/) originally. The name survived in Coptic as Amoun.


(1) Dd mdw in imn-ra nb nst tAwy sA.i

(2) mry nb tAwy wsr-mAat-ra mry-imn nfrwy

(3) mnw pn nfr wab rwD mnx ir(w).n.k n.i

(4) Hr aA nsyt di nnk aHa n ra

(5) rnpwt tm iwnw nst gb

(6) iAt xpri nsyt Hr-Axty

(7) iw [.k m/Hr] tA m nswt kmt m HqA

(8) Snw itn xAst nb(t) Xr Tbty.k Dt



(1) Paroles dites par Amon-Rê, seigneur des trônes des Deux Terres : "Mon fils

(2) bien aimé, seigneur du Double Pays, Ousermaâtrê Méryamon. Qu'il est splendide (lit. beau)

(3) ce beau monument, pur, solide et efficient que tu as fait pour moi !

(4) Horus grand de royauté ! Je t'ai donné le temps de vie de Rê,

(5) les années d'Atoum d'Héliopolis, le trône de Geb,

(6) la fonction de Khépri et la royauté de Rê-Horakhty.

(7) [Tu es dans/sur] le pays en tant que roi d'Égypte, en tant que gouverneur

(8) de ce qu'entoure Aton. Tout pays étranger est sous tes sandales, éternellement."