civilization called Essassani who represent (and we don't mean this as
being better) a future evolutionary path for Earth.

Essassani is the home-world of the Sassani race, who are a
successful hybridization of Zeta and human genes. 300-700 years in the future from our current
time frame. Their world is already established but they have been communicating
and interacting with us here and now, often as mentors and guides.
The Sassani
('beings of light') possess a combination of the best characteristics of the two
races - human and Zeta Reticulan. They have the Zeta's telepathy, longevity,
sensitivity, scientific and intellectual capacities as well as humanity's vital,
emotional, sexual and physical aspects - also a very human curiosity and the
predilection for speedy advancement. They are very likeable. They are rich with
humor and fluid in their emotions.
Listen to Bashar
speak through Darryl. Here is an excerpt from the most recent message. Visit his
page to purchase other communications. Support your channels!
Excerpt from
Bashar channeled by Darryl Anka October 20, 2001
Darryl Anka and his organization requested that I no longer host this short quote of Bashar.
I popularise some of my favorite channels on my site, and it is unfortunate that they do not see this page as driving business to their enterprise.
Here is what they sent:
To Whom It May Concern;
I am the owner of the copyright that is being infringed by a website, which I believe is being hosted by your server. I'm asking for your assistance in removing the content from a specific webpage violating my copyright.
Infringing File Link:
The infringing content is all the text below this subheading:
Beginning with "Now, this will be somewhat of a different communication for a variety of reasons". and ending with "AND WE ARE ALL ONE" at the end of the page. (The poster even adds the copyright info at the end).
Copyrighted Work: Bashar channeled by Darryl Anka. Copyright 1984-2017. All Rights Reserved. From the event titled "R.S.V.P." presented by myself, Darryl Anka on 10/20/2001.
Copyrighted Content: All audio and visual recordings, as well as transcripts of these events are owned and copyrighted by myself, Darryl Anka. The sole licensee of this copyrighted material is Bashar Communications, Inc. The individual(s) who uploaded this content have done so without the knowledge and permission of either authorized party.
Examples of the copyrighted works can be found at http://basharchanneledbydarrylanka.org/, http://www.basharstore.com/, or our official Vimeo channel, https://vimeo.com/basharcommunications
The information in this notification is accurate and, under penalty of perjury, I am the owner of the copyright that is allegedly infringed.
I have a good faith belief that use of the Content in the manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agents, or the law.
Darryl Anka,
Bashar Communications, Inc.