My list of academic heresies is
presented below.
Many corrections to current
transliteration were taken directly from the
xenoglossy recorded on gramophone and in the book
"Egyptian Miracle" by Frederic H. Wood. See this
link for more information on
the otherworldly source for some of the
pronunciations on this page.
= V
, not P as it is commonly
transliterated. A "strong
same as 
=P'tah* was
actually pronounced (fat-hah),
or (vath-ta), an old word for Father(English):Vater
(German); But some tongues turn it into a "P" such
as Pitar
(Sanskrit); Patēr (Greek); Pater (Latin): childish:
Papa. |
= (Tee) sometimes T or tuh,
often not pronounced.
= (Tee-ah)
2 vowels + you both singular plural in the imperative?
not di
with Pronounced
(Hāna)or more often without the H "ayn-ah."
Meaning |
=is pronounced
not the
Dr sound in azure
end, limit
M36 - D21 - D36 - Z1
(zhoolar) =finally!, at last!
Same as
= it, Yes, That's it! (zeet) as
in (da zeet)
that's it!
dependent .pronoun.
st (as
in eng. list)
when used as a
Suffix-pronoun it carries=(vrow veest)
Strengthen pronounced (zarood)
=strength, power F12 - S29
- D21 - G43 - D40 - Z2 |
=she, her it also |
causative prefix:
to endow (saha , sAHA ;
S29 - J17 - G1 - V28 - D61 - Y1 |
=woman-wife (seet-hāntee)
O34 - X1 - B1 - N41 - X1 - B1 |
ok, yes, all right,
so! [za} too,
(zatoo) U33 - Z7 - A2
yee-tee |
come here, lit. "come, you!" Old
perfective/pseduo-participle pronoun ending
(iw) (oo) M17 - G43
(ah-oo) (a-oo) [not
pronounced the same as above] G43 - D54 ;
D54 - G43
when used as
A-zeenta! =look into this!
as in hay,
also i
many other cases. see E.W.Budge
I, me , mine (ee) |
this is, here
not always indeed, or Lo!
(isT) M17-S29-V13
of God (awsaur, ossaur, asser, Osiris, Osaur,
= (eenōosh ia(r)) Hail to! |
= (Anāesh)
Protected |
=to burn (am)
G1 -
G17 - Q7
feminine The, this f. |
= NA
Plural for both genders Na-éel the river= Nile |
pA masculine singular
this (masculine) |
not wp |
= to wish
- pronounced (Oba) as in english
"lobe" (ohb-ah) |
= to cease,
- pronounced (Ob) as in Lobe. U23
- D58 - D54 |
meaning=pyramid tomb -
pronounced mar-ee U23 -
G17 - D21 - O24
pyramid |
meaning=love, beloved -
pronounced mare-ee, mair-ee
U6 - D21 - N36 |
meaning= to be ill
- prounced mare-lee, mair-lee
= in
English, pronounced: Zjade (like the z
in "azure") ; zh āyd,
zh āde or
,To say, speak I10 - D46 |
s- āmen
means Establishes, cause to be
established |
= What is
it? (Sāe-foo[n])

O35 - M17 - M17 - Q3 - G43 |
F - Parts of the Mammal
to this group 53 hieroglyphics count. In many cases, the cow
was requisitioned because it was trusted and because its ears
were to be represented for example better than that of the
person. In this group are hieroglyphics for the cows head, cow
heir, cows tube, cow skin, horn, animal tongue, heart with
windpipe, lion head, front part of a lion, rear of a lion etc.
are found.
- F1 abbreviation for cow (jach)
- F2 Determinative for fury (djnd)
- F3 sound sign for At
- F4 sound sign for achAt. Ideogram for front (achAt), tip
- F5 sound sign for schsA, sschA *F6 sound sign for schsA,
sschA *F7 Determinative for would become (schfyt) would
become (schfyt)
- F8 Determinative for
- F9 sound sign for * At
- F10 Determinative for throat (ichich), swallow (at
that), neck
- F11 Determinative for throat (ichich), swallow (at
that), neck
- F12 sound sign for wsr. Ideogram for nape (wsrt)
- F13 sound sign for wp, jp (only with "messenger" (jpwtj)
and "mission" (jpt). Ideogram for ears (wpt), top of the
- F14 abbreviation for new year (wpt-rnpt)
- F15 abbreviation for new year (wpt-rnpt)
- F16 sound sign for from ( = phon. Det.) Determinative
and Ideogram for horn (dp) (from)
- F17 Determinative and Ideogram for cleaning (abw)
- F18 sound sign for stream Determinative and Ideogram for
tooth (jbach) (nachdjt), actions with the teeth: bite (psach)
- F19 Determinative for jaw (type)
- F20 sound sign for achw, bjA, bj in "character" (bjt)
sound sign for ns Determinative and Ideogram for tongue
(ns), director (jmj-rA) (mr), actions with the tongue: taste
- F21 for Hear (sdjm) Ideogram for ear (msdjr), leaf of a
tree (djrdj), actions with the ears:
- F22 sound sign for kfA sound sign for pach Determinative
and Ideogram for end (pachwj), rear, ground of a container (kfA)
- F23 Determinative and Ideogram for front thigh (ichpsch),
constellation large bear (msichtjw), thigh
- F24 Determinative and Ideogram for front thigh (ichpsch),
constellation large bear (msichtjw), thigh
- F25 sound sign for wachm. Ideogram for hoof (wachmt)
- F26 sound sign for achn. Ideogram for animal fur (achnt)
- F27 Determinative for leather (dachr), skin, mouse (pnw),
- F28 sound sign for off. Ideogram for spotted (sAb),
- F29 sound sign for st (stj) Determinative and Ideogram
for through ski meal (stj)
- F30 sound sign for schd
- F31 sound sign for ms. Ideogram for Schurz out of fur (mst)
- F32 sound sign for alas. Ideogram for body (eight),
belly. This sign stands in the so named
Hieroglyphen-ABC for the sound “ch”
- F33 Determinative for tail (sd)
- F34 Determinative and Ideogram for heart (jb) (achAtj)
- F35 sound sign for nfr. Ideogra for beautifully (its) (nfr)
- F36 sound sign for smA. Ideogram for lung (smA)
- F37 sound sign for sm Determinative and Ideogram for
back (wEEDED) (psdj)
- F38 Determinative for back (psdj)
- F39 sound sign for jmAich Determinative and Ideogram for
back mark (jmAich), venerable, approach, back (psdj)
- F40 sound sign for Aw
- F41 Determinative for back (psdj), Gemetzel (schat)
- F42 sound sign for spr. Ideogram for rib (spr)
- F43 Determinative for rib meat piece (spacht)
- F44 sound sign for jsw Determinative for leg bone with
meat, thigh (jwa)
- F45 Ideogram for Vulva (jdt), cow
- F46 sound sign for qAb, wdjb, wdb sound sign for pachr,
dbn. Ideogram for entrails (qAb)
- F47 sound sign for qAb, wdjb, wdb sound sign for, pachr,
dbn. Ideogram for entrails (qAb)
- F48 sound sign for qAb, wdjb, wdb sound sign for, pachr,
dbn. Ideogram for entrails (qAb)
- F49 sound sign for qAb, wdjb, wdb sound sign for, pachr,
dbn. Ideogram for entrails (qAb)
- F50 abbreviation for copy (spachr)
- F51 sound sign for *ace, (ace) in "Isis", (ws)
in Wsjr
Determinative for meat (haw), body limb (at), neck (nachbt)
- F52 Determinative for excrement (e) (alas it)
G - Birds
This group contains 54 hieroglyphics and is also one of the
most extensive. It contains birds like the
Sacred Ibis, the
Egyptian Vulture, the
cormorant, waterfowl, the
chick, and a others.
- G1
Egyptian vulture.
phonogram for
aleph (transliterated
"a", A
or "3"): a
glottal stop (and possibly a
alveolar lateral approximant in
Old Egyptian).
- G2 Two Egyptian vultures. Phonogram for
- G3 Egyptian Vulture + sickle (U1) Phonogram for m
- G4
Hawk. Phonogram for tw, tỉw
- G5
Ideogram for
Horus (ḥr.w)
- G6 Determinative for falcon (bỉk)
- G7 Determinative and Ideogram for (royal) I (ỉ), me (wỉ),
God Horus (alas), God Amun (ỉmn), king (nsw)
- G7a Ideogram for
Nemti (nmtỉ)
- G7b Ideogram for Nemti (nmtỉ)
- G8 Ideogram for Goldhorus (hr-nbw)
- G9 Ideogram for God re-Harachte (ra-achr-Aichtỉ)
- G10 Henu-Barke of the Sokar (achnw)
- G11 Determinative for Achom (aachn) (aschm) (aichm),
Gods picture, breast (schnbt)
- G12 Determinative for Achom (aachn) (aschm) (aichm),
Gods picture, breast (schnbt)
- G13 Determinative for Horus of Hierakonpolis (alas)
(nichny), God Sopdu (spdw)
- G14 sound sign for mt. Ideogram for geese vulture (nrt)
- G15 Ideogram for God courage (mwt)
- G16 Ideogram for both gentlemen (nbtỉ)
- G17 owl. This on consonant sign is used in the so named
Hieroglyphen-ABC to the reproduction of the consonant “m”.
- G18 Phonogram for mm
- G19 sound sign for mỉ, m
- G20 sound sign for mỉ, m
- G21 sound sign for after. Ideogram for helmet perl
chicken (after)
- G22 Phonogram for dỉb
- G23 Phonogram for subjects (richyt)
- G24 Phonogram for subjects (richyt)
- G25 Phonogram for Aich. Ideogram for alas-spirit (Aich)
- G26 Determinative for Ibis (hb), (ibisartiger) God Thot
- G26a Determinative for Ibis (hb), (ibisartiger) God Thot
- G27 Phonogram for dschr Determinative for Flamingo
- G28 Phonogram for gm
- G29 Phonogram for bA. Ideogram for Ba-soul in bird shape
- G30 Ideogram for power (bAw)
- G31 Determinative for the Egyptian "Phoenix" [ [Benu
(Egyptian Mythologie)|Benu]] (bnw), Reihervögel
- G32 Determinative and Ideogram for inundated be (baachỉ)
- G33 Phonogram for sdA. Ideogram for Seda-bird (sdA)
- G34 Determinative for bouquet (nỉw)
- G35 Phonogram for aq
- G36 Phonogram for wr Determinative for swallow (mnt).
Zweikonsonantenzeichen „wr“
- G37 Determinative for small (ndỉs), badly (bỉn)
- G38 Phonogram for gb (only in Gods name) Determinative
for bird (Apd), insect, Bläßgans (tỉrp), goose
- G39 Phonogramn for Determinative sOWED and Ideogram for
son (sOWED) (only Ideogram), spear duck (sAt)
- G40 Phonogram for pA Determinative and Ideogram for that
(pA) (only Ideogram), fly (pA) (more rarely)
- G41 Phonogram for ichn, amyt, sachw Determinative and
Ideogram for mäßten (wschA), food (dỉfA)
- G43 quail chick. This on consonant sign becomes in the
so named
Hieroglyphen-ABC the reproduction of the sound “w”
and/or "u" used.
- G44 Phonogram for ww, oo, uu
- G45 Phonogram for wa
- G46 Phonogram for wAw
- G47 Phonogram for tỉA. Ideogram for chick (tỉa)
- G48 Determinative for nest (ssch)
- G49 Determinative for nest (ssch)
- G50 Idogramm:, washer (richtỉ)
- G51 Determinative for fish catch (achAm) turn around
- G52 Determinative for feeding (snm)
- G53 Ideogram for Ba-soul (bA)
- G54 Phonogram for sndỉ (also phonetic Determinative)
Determinative for (the bird) the neck
H - Parts of Birds
Only 8 hieroglyphics belong to this group, listed are the
signs for wing, egg, claw, feather, wing and bird head.
- H1 Determinative for (the bird) the neck turn around (wschn)
abbreviation for bird (Apd)
- H2 sound sign for mAa, wschm, pq (pAq)
- H3 sound sign for pAq
- H4 sound sign for nr, rm into "people"
- H5 Determinative for wing (djnach), fly (pA)
- H6 sound sign for schw. Ideogram for feather (schwt),
Maat (mAat)
- H6a sound sign for schw. Ideogram for feather (schwt),
Maat (mAat)
- H7 sound sign for schA (only in country schAt)
- H8 Determinative and Ideogram for son, egg (swacht)
I - Amphibian and Reptiles
15 hieroglyphics including amphibian or reptiles are shown,
as well as the
Hornviper, the Kobra, the lizard, the frog, the tadpole, the
turtle, the crocodile, and the crocodile skin.
- I1 sound sign for aschA Determinative for lizard, Gecko
- I2 Determinative and Ideogram for turtle (schtjw)
- I3 Determinative and Ideogram for crocodile (msach) (ichntj),
be (ichntj) greedy, aggressively its (Ad), monarch (jty) -
two crocodiles above one another
- I4 Determinative and Ideogram for God
Sobek (sbk)
- I5 Determinative for gather (sAq)
- I5a Determinative and Ideogram for God Sobek (sbk)
- I6 crocodile skin. Sound sign for km and symbol for
- I7 Determinative for frog (qrr), Froschgötting Heqet (achqt)
abbreviation for life repeating (wachm-anich)
- I8 abbreviation for 100,000 (achfn)
- I9
Hornviper. This on consonant sign is used in the so
Hieroglyphen-ABC to the reproduction of the consonant “f”.
- I10
Kobra in quiet position. This on consonant sign becomes
in the so named
Hieroglyphen-ABC the reproduction of the sound “dj”
(German: "Dsch") uses. Sound sign for dj. Ideogram
for Kobra (djt)
- I11 sound sign for djdj
- I12 Determinative for Kobra, [ [Uräusschlange
(Symbol)|Uräusschlange]] (jart), God
Nesret (nsrt)
- I13 Determinative for God
Buto (wAdjyt)
- I14 Determinative for snake (achfAw), worm *I15
Determinative for snake (achfAw), worm
K - Fishes and Parts of Fishes
Only 7 hieroglyphs belong to this group. In this group are
hieroglyphics of
- K1
Bilateral for
ỉn. Determinative for
Nile tilapia
ỉn.t or
flathead mullet (Mugil cephalus).
- K2 sound sign for bw
- K3 sound sign for adj (ad) only in "country commissioner
(adj-mr)" Determinative for
flathead mullet (adw)
- K4 sound sign for achA. Ideogram for
Mormyrus (achAt)
- K5 sound sign for bs Determinative for
Petrocephalus bane (rm)
- K6 Determinative and Ideogram for fish scale (nschmt)
- K7 Determinative for annoying (schpt) and Ideogram for
the Nile pufferfish.
L - Invertebrate and Other Animals
The 7 hieroglyphics in this group include the
Skarabäus, the fly, the grasshopper and the centipede.
- L1 sound sign for ichpr. Ideogram for
Skarabäus (ichprr), become, emerge.
- L2 sound sign for bjt (only in "king of lower Egypt"
(bjt)). Ideogram for bee (bjt). This hieroglyphic shows the
very important hieroglyphic for bee, that stands also for
honey. It is found very often on inscriptions, because this
hieroglyphic as a symbol for
Unterägypten together with the Binse, that symbol
underlines for
Oberägypten, the domination of the Pharaos over under
Egypt and waiter Egypt.
- L3 Determinative for fly (aped)
- L4 Determinative for grasshopper (snachmn)
- L5 Determinative for
Skolopender (spA), thousand foot
- L6 sound sign for ichA (rarely)
- L7 Ideogram for God
Selkis (srqt)
M - Trees and Other Plants
Included in the 44 hieroglyphics of this comprehensive group
are the Binse, the grass, the
Papyrus, the Dattel, the Lotosblüte and the reed.
- M1 sound sign for jAm (jmA - rarely) (jm - rarely)
Determinative for tree, Sykomore (nht), Christ thorn (nbs)
- M2 sound sign for js, j (with "I") sound sign for achn
Determinative for flower (achrrt), plant
- M3 sound sign for Determinative and Ideogram gauged for
wood (gauged)
- M4 sound sign for rnp. Ideogram for year (rnpt)
- M5 sound sign for tr, tj, rj. Ideogram for (determined)
time (tr)
- M6 sound sign for tr, tj, rj. Ideogram for (determined)
time (tr)
- M7 sound sign for rnp into "young its" rnpj. Ideogram
for young its (rnpj)
- M8 sound sign for schA. Ideogram for Achet-season (Aicht)
- M9 sound sign for nfr (rarely) Determinative and
Ideogramm for Lotus (sschschn)
- M10 Determinative for Lotusknospe (nachbt)
- M11 Determinative and Ideogram for sacrifice (wdn)
- M12 sound sign for ichA abbreviation for 1,000 (ichA).
- M13 sound sign for wAdj, wdj. Ideogram for
Papyrus (wAdj)
- M14 sound sign for wAdj, wdj
- M15 Determinative and Ideogram for lower Egypt (ta-mnachw),
papyrus swamp (djyt), papyrus zone and water zone
- M16 sound sign for achA Determinative and Ideogram for
lower Egypt (ta-mnachw)
- M17 sound sign for j, i. Ideogram for blooming reed tube
(j), I (j). This on consonant sign is used in the so named
Hieroglyphen-ABC to the reproduction of the sound “i”.
In doubling of this sign, one receives the sound "j"
(English: "Y").
- M18 Ideogram for come (jj)
- M19 Determinative and Ideogram for victim (aAbt)
- M20 sound sign for sm. Ideogram for country
(visibility), hall
- M21 sound sign for sm Determinative and Ideogram for
herb (sm), plant
- M22 sound sign for nichb, also in "God
Nechbat " (nichb)
- M23 sound sign for sw Ideogram for Sut-Binse (swt), in
(nsw) king graphic preceded
- M24 sound sign for rs (w) only in words with primary
meaning "south"
- M25 sound sign for rs (w) only in words with primary
meaning "south"
- M26 sound sign for schma
- M27 sound sign for schma. Ideogram for waiter Egypt (schma)
- M28 abbreviation: Zehner of waiter Egypt (mdj-w schma)
in the title (wr-mdj-w schma)
- M29 sound sign for ndjm. Pointing sign for
- M30 Determinative and Ideogram for sweetly (bnr).
Ideogram for
- M31 Determinative for grow (rd) grow (rd)
- M32 Determinative for
- M33 Determinative and Ideogram for barley (jt), grain,
- M34 Determinative and Ideogram for Emmer (bdt) (btj)
- M35 Determinative for pile (aachaw)
- M36 sound sign for djr
- M37 sound sign for djr
- M38 Determinative for
Flachs (macha), together bandage (dmA)
- M39 Determinative for plant victim (rnpt)
- M40 sound sign for js (jz). Ideogram for tube (jsw)
- M41 Determinative for juniper (wan), foreign wood
- M42 sound sign for wn abbreviation for eat (wnm)
- M43 Determinative for wine (jrp), fig (dAd), fruit
- M44 Determinative for thorn (srt), tip (spd), sharply
N - Sky, Earth and Water
The 42 hieroglyphics that make up this group which does not
stand unconditionally in the same context, include: Sun, star,
moon, sky, earth, mountains, street, canal, slope, etc.
- N1 sound sign for alas (j), hrw (rarely) (both also phon.
Det.) Determinative and Ideogram for sky (pt) (achrt), God
groove (nwt)
- N2 Determinative and Ideogram for night (grach),
darkness (kkw)
- N3 Determinative and Ideogram for night (grach),
darkness (kkw)
- N4 Determinative and Ideogram for cable (jAdt), rain
storm (schnyt), rain
- N5 Determinative and Ideogram for sun (ra), actions of
the sun: rise (wbn), day (hrw), hour (wnwt), time
- N6 Determinative and Ideogram for sun (ra)
- N7 For sunshine (Aichw), seem (psdj) abbreviation for
suns people (achnmmmt)
- N9 sound sign for psdj. Ideogram for new moon festival (psdjntjw)
abbreviation for psdj in Gods novelty (psdjt)
- N10 sound sign for psdj. Ideogram for new moon festival
(psdjntjw) abbreviation for psdj in Gods novelty (psdjt)
- N11 sound sign for aach in earth coat (waach). Ideogram:
Moon (jaach) abbreviation / Determinative for month (Abd),
hand width (schsp)
- N12 Determinative for moon (jaach)
- N13 Ideogram for half month firm (15. day) (*smdt)
- N14 sound sign for sbA, dwA Determinative and Ideogram
for star (dbA), Sothis (spdt), Sernbild, Sirius
abbreviation: - Hour (wnwt), priest shaft
- N15 Ideogram for underworld (dwAt) (dAt)
- N16 sound sign for tA Determinative and Ideogram for
country (tA), earth, in "eternity" (djt)
- N17 sound sign for tA Determinative and Ideogram for
country (tA), earth, eternity (djt)
- N18 Determinative and Ideogram for island (jw), horizon
(Aicht), deserts country
- N19 abbreviation for Harachte (alas-Aichtj)
- N20 sound sign for wdjb Determinative for sand bank (wdjb)
- N21 Determinative (wdjb), country, field (visibility)
- N23 Determinative for country (tA), irrigated country
- N24 Determinative and Ideogram for Gau (spAt),
Thinis-Gau (tA-wr), garden (achsp)
- N25 Determinative and Ideogram for strange country (I
branch), deserts country, desert (smyt), country Retjenu (rtjnw)
- N26 sound sign for djw. Ideogram for mountain (djw)
- N27 Ideogram for horizon (Aicht)
- N28 sound sign for icha. Ideogram for hill of the
sunrise (icha), crown
- N29 sound sign for q Determinative and Ideogram for hill
(qAA). This on consonant sign is used in the so named
Hieroglyphen-ABC to the reproduction of the emphatic “k”
(circumscribed with "q").
- N30 Determinative and Ideogram for mound (wEEDED)
- N31 Determinative and Ideogram for way (wADE) (mtjn),
phon. Det. : alas, wA, ascend (jar), travel, army (mscha),
here (aA), position abbreviation: God Horus
- N32 sound sign for sjn (in "runner" sjnw)
- N33 Determinative for sand (schaj), mineral, Metalkorn,
gold (nbw), black eye make-up (msdmt), medicine (pachrt)
pellet (tjA), Weihrauchk., enemy (ichftj), dangerous
- N33a Determinative for plural (in place of the plural
- N34 Determinative and Ideogram for *copper (*achmtj),
brass, object out of copper or bronze, mirror out of Metal (anich)
- N35 sound sign for n. water line. This on consonant sign
is used in the so named
Hieroglyphen-ABC to the reproduction of the consonant “n”.
- N35a sound sign for mw Determinative and Ideogram for
water (mw), wave (wAw), "river" and "lake" with "N-36, Handl.
Drink (swr) water:, wash (jaj)
- N36 sound sign for mr sound sign for mr, mj
Determinative and Ideogram for canal (mr), dear (mr), river,
lake, Nile (achapj)
- N37 sound sign for sch. Ideogram for pond (sch), lake,
- N38 sound sign for sch. Ideogram for pond (sch)
- N39 sound sign for sch. Ideogram for pond (sch), water
basin, garden basin. This on consonant sign is used in the
so named
Hieroglyphen-ABC to the reproduction of the sound “sch”
(like in the German word "beautifully").
- N40 abbreviation for go (schm)
- N41 sound sign for achm, phon. Det. : bjA Determinative
for well (achnmt), pond, march, Vagina, cow (jdt)
- N42 sound sign for achm, phon. Det. : bjA Determinative
for well (achnmt), pond, march, Vagina, cow (jdt)
O - Buildings and Parts of Buildings
Group O is quite extensive having 51 hieroglyphics. This
group includes signs of buildings and construction of buildings
including: Houses, bars,
walls, stairways, etc.
- O1 sound sign for pr Determinative and Ideogram for
house (pr), building, place, place (st), Sanktuar (jwnn),
horizon (Aicht). Since the mediator empire also replacement
for "p"
- O2 abbreviation for treasure house (pr-achdj)
- O3 abbreviation for dead victim (prt-ichw)
- O4 sound sign for h. Ideogram for farmyard (h), was
subordinate. The Ideogram for house shows reaches a
primitive protection cottage out of reed tube from above,
that one over a L-förmigen gear. This on consonant sign is
used in the so named
Hieroglyphen-ABC to the reproduction of the consonant “h”.
- O5 sound sign for mr, nm Determinative for street (mrrt)
- O6 Ideogram for (large) building (achwt) abbreviation
for eight in "quarry" (respects)
- O7 Ideogram for (large) building (achwt) abbreviation
for eight in "quarry" (respects)
- O8 abbreviation for large building (achwt-aAt)
- O9 abbreviation for God Nephthys (nbt-achwt)
- O10 abbreviation for God Hathor (achwt-alas)
- O11 Ideogram for palace (aach)
- O12 Ideogram for palace (aach)
- O13 Determinative for gate way
- O15 Ideogram for wide hall (wsicht)
- O16 Determinative and Ideogram for curtain (tAyt)
- O17 Determinative and Ideogram for curtain (tAyt)
- O18 Determinative and Ideogram for chapel (kAr)
- O19 Determinative for waiter Egyptian national sanctuary
(pr-wr), chapels row (jtrt)
- O20 Determinative for unterägyptisches national
sanctuary (pr-nr), chapels row (jtrt), Sanktuar
- O21 Determinative and Ideogramm for special in special-ntjr
- O22 sound sign for achAb sound sign for achAb
Determinative and Ideogramm for (Achb-sd), Sed festival
- O24 Determinative for pyramid (mr), Memphis (mn-nfr)
- O25 Determinative and Ideogram for obelisk (tichn)
- O26 Determinative and Ideogram for Stele (wdj) (aachaw)
- O27 sound sign for ichA Determinative for office (ichA),
pillar hall
- O28 sound sign for jwn. Ideogram for pillar (jwn)
- O29 sound sign for aA. Ideogram for column (aA), largely
- O30 Determinative and Ideogram for support (sichnt)
- O31 sound sign for aA Determinative and Ideogram for
door (aA), open (wn)
- O32 Determinative for gate way, door, gate (sbA)
abbreviation for gate (sbA)
- O33 Determinative for Serech (srich) (in the Horusnamen)
- O34 sound sign for s. Ideogram for door bar (s). This on
consonant sign is used in the so named
Hieroglyphen-ABC to the reproduction of the stimmhaften
“s” (like in the German name "Susi"). Demolish (whn)
- O35 sound sign for s (in words the movement imply)
abbreviation for self-service
- O36 Determinative and Ideogram for wall (jnb),
envelopment wall (sbtj)
- O37 Determinative for, throw down, sloping its (gsA)
- O38 Determinativefor corner (qnbt), gate way (erred)
abbreviation for tm in "title" achrj n tm
- O39 Determinative for stone (jnr)
- O40 Determinative for stairway (rwd)
- O41 Determinative for stairway (rwd), ascend (jar)
- O42 for schsp, sschp
- O44 Determinative and Ideogram for occupation (wEEDED)
- O45 Determinative and Ideogram for harem (jpAt)
- O46 Determinative and Ideogram for harem (jpAt)
- O47 Ideogram for city Hierakonpolis (nichn)
- O48 Ideogram for city Hierakonpolis (nichn)
- O49 Determinative and Ideogram for city (njwt), village,
Theben (wAst), inhabited region, Egypt (kmt)
- O50 sound sign for sp (zp) Determinative for tennis (spt)
- O51 Determinative and Ideogram for shed (schnwt)
P - Ships and Parts of Navigating
Group P has 11 hieroglyphics which consists of the
fisherman's boat, the sail, the mast, and the oar belong
according to Gardiner.
- P1 Determinative for ship, boat (dpt), sail, with ship
go (downstream - with oar) *P1a Determinative for kentern (pna)
- P2 Determinative for stromauf sail (ichntj) (stromaufwärts
- with sail)
- P3 Determinative and Ideogram for Götterbarke (wjA),
holy Barken, Neschmet-Barke (nschmt), sail of the holy Barke,
cross (djAj)
- P4 fisherman boat. Abbreviation for fisherman (wacha)
- P5 Determinative and Ideogram for sail (tjAwt) (achtAw),
sailor (nfw), wind, north wind (machyt)
- P6 mast. Sound sign for aacha
- P7 sound sign for aacha
- P8 sound sign for ichrw. Phon. Det. ichrw in mAa-ichrw
Determinative "justified" and Ideogram for voice (only
Ideogram), oar (wsrw)
- P9 abbreviation for "so said it" (ichrwj = fj) at the
quotation end
- P10 Determinative for tax oar (achmw)
- P11 Determinative for countries peg (mnjt)
Q - Furniture
In group Q are 7 hieroglyphics, under that also are the head
support shown here with socket and crescent support that was
used above all the dead.
- Q1 sound sign for st, achtm. Ideogram for seat (st),
- Q2 sound sign for *ws in Osiris (wsjr). Ideogram for
seat (st)
- Q3 sound sign for p. Ideogram for support (p), stool,
stool out of reed. This on consonant sign is used in the so
Hieroglyphen-ABC to the reproduction of the consonant “p”.
- Q4 Determinative for head support (wrs)
- Q5 Determinative for box (hn), box
- Q6 Determinative and Ideogram for coffin (qrsw), bury
- Q7 Determinative for fire (gauged), heat, be named its
(tA), cook (psj) abbreviation: Temperature (srf)
R - Temple
Group R consists of 25 hieroglyphics, that have to do with
the temple or religious rite.
- R1 Determinative and Ideogram for victim table (ichAwt)
- R2 Determinative and Ideogram for victim table (ichAwt)
- R3 Determinative and Ideogram for victim table (wdachw)
- R4 sound sign for achtp Ideogram for altar (achtp), be
satisfied smoke (cAPE) smoke (cAPE)
- R5 sound
sign for cAPE, Communist Party Determinative and Ideogram for
- R6 sound sign for cAPE, Communist Party Determinative
and Ideogram for
- R7 Determinative and Ideogram for incense (sntjr)
- R8 sound sign for ntjr Determinative rarely
- R9 Determinative and Ideogram for
Natron (bd)
- R10 Ideogram for Nekropole (achrt-ntjr), cemetery *
R11 sound sign for djd. Ideogram for
Djed-Pfeiler (djd), (on) duration
- R12 Determinative for standard (wEEDED)
- R13 Ideogram for west (jnmnt), to the right (wnmj)
- R14 Ideogram for west (jnmnt), to the right (wnmj)
- R15 sound sign for off. Ideogram for East (jAbt)
- R16 Determinative and Ideogram for the Uch-fetish (was
- R17 Determinative and
Ideogram for thinitrischer Gau (tA-wr)
- R18 Determinative and Ideogram for thinitrischer Gau (tA-wr)
- R19 Ideogram for [ [Theben
(Ägypten)|Theben]] (wAst)
- R20 Ideogram for God
Seschat (sschAt)
- R21 Ideogram for God Seschat (sschAt)
- R22 sound sign for ichm.
Ideogram for [ [min (Gott)|Min]] (mnw) abbreviation: Ausim,
- R23 sound sign for ichm. Ideogram for min (mnw)
Ausim, Letopolis
- R24 Determinative and Ideogram for God Neith (njt) (nt)
- R25 Determinative and Ideogram for God
Neith (njt) (nt)
S - Crowns
The meaning of the crowns is self-evident through the 45
hieroglyphics found in this group.
- S1 Determinative and Ideogram for white crown of waiter
Egypt (achdj<(u>t), white crown (schmsd) crown of waiter
- S2 Determinative and Ideogram for white crown of waiter
Egypt (achdjt), white crown (wrrt) crown of waiter Egypt
- S3 sound sign for n Determinative and Ideogram for red
crown of lower Egypt (dschrt), red crown (replaces (bjt) in
the title sdjAwtj-bjtj
- S4 sound sign for n (rarely) Determinative for red
crown, Net-crown (nt)
- S5 Determinative for double crown of waiter Egypt and
lower Egypt Crown, large crown (wrrt)
- S7 Determinative and Ideogram for blue crown (ichprsch)
- S8 Determinative and Ideogram for Atef-crown (Atf)
- S9 Determinative and Ideogram for double feather (schwtj)
- S10 Determinative and Ideogram for wAachw abbreviation
for carpenter (mdjach)
- S11 sound sign for wsich Determinative and Ideogram for
neck collar (wsich)
- S12 Determinative and Ideogram for gold (nbw), white
gold (djam), silver (achdj), valuable metal *S13
abbreviation for gild (nbj)
- S14 abbreviation for white gold (djam)
- S15 Determinative and Ideogram for Fayence (tjachnt)
- S16 Determinative and Ideogram for Fayence (tjachnt)
- S17 Determinative and Ideogram for Fayence (tjachnt)
- S18 Determinative and Ideogram for Menit-Halskette (mnjt)
- S19 Ideogram for Siegler (*sdjAwtj), (*ichtmj), (*ichtmw)
- S20 Determinative and Ideogramm for seal (ichtm), seal
ring (djbat)
- S21 Determinative for ring (jwaw)
- S22 sound sign for stj, st (rarely) Determinative and
Ideogram for starboard (tA-wr)
- S23 Determinative and Ideogram (dmd)
- S24 sound sign for tjs, tjz Determinative for knot (tjst)
- S25 Determinative for Schurz (schndjwt)
- S26 Determinative for Schurz (schndjwt)
- S27 Determinative and Ideogram for clothing (mnicht)
- S28 Determinative for clothing (achbs)
- S29 sound sign for s. Ideogram for it abbreviation: -
Health (snb). The folded cloth is is used an on consonant
sign in the so named
Hieroglyphen-ABC to the reproduction of the voiceless “s”
(like in the German word "kiss").
- S30 sound sign for sf
- S31 sound sign for smA *S32 sound sign for sjA
Determinative and Ideogram for material with fringes (sjAt)
- S33 sound sign for tjb, tb Determinative and Ideogram
for sandal (tjbt)
- S34 sound sign for
anch. Ideogram for sandal strap (anich) abbreviation for
life (anich)
- S35 Ideogram and Determinative for shadow (schwt),
military standard (sryt) (also Det.)
- S36 Ideogram and Determinative for shadow (schwt), God
Hepui (achpwj), military standard (sryt) (also Det.)
- S37 Ideogram and Determinative for frond (ichw)
- S38 sound sign for achqA. Ideogram and Determinative for
Heqat-scepter (achqAt), ruler (achqA)
- S39 sound sign for awt
- S40 sound sign for wHAT, djam. Sound sign for wHAT, wOVE
(unclearly). Ideogram and Determinative for what-scepter (wHAT)
abbreviation for good fortune (wHAT)
- S41 sound sign for djam
- S42 sound sign for abA (also phon. Det.), sichm.
Ideogram and Determinative for Oba-scepter (abA), control
- S43 sound sign for md (w). Ideogram for walking stick
- S44 Ideogram and Determinative for Ames-scepter (Ams)
- S45 Ideogram and Determinative for scourge (nichAichA)
T - War, Hunt and Butcher Shop
35 hieroglyphics are found in group T, whose signs have all
to do with the killing and catching of animals (and persons)
- T1 sound sign for mn, mnw (rarely)
- T2 Determinative: for kill (sqr)
- T3 sound sign for achdj. Ideogram for thigh (achdj)
- T4 sound sign for achdj. Ideogram for thigh (achdj)
- T5 sound sign for achdj
- T6 sound sign for achdjdj<(u>
- T7 Determinative for ax (mjnbt), chop (mdjach)
abbreviation for carpenter (mdjach)
- T7a Determinative for ax (Aqachw)
- T8 sound sign for tp *T8a Determinative for dagger (bAgsw)
- T9 sound sign for pdj (pd) Determinative and Ideogram
for arch (pdjt)
- T9a sound sign for pdj (pd) Determinative and Ideogram
for arch (pdjt)
- T10 Determinative for arch (pdjt) (jwnt)
- T11 sound sign for sschr, special, sjn, swn
Determinative for arrow (schsr)
- T12 sound sign For rwdj, rwd, Ar, Aj Determinative for
hold back (Ar)
- T13 sound sign for rs abbreviation for watchfully its (rs)
- T14 Determinative for throw wood (amaAt), throw (qmA),
foreign people, Nubier (nachsj) abbreviation en: Throw (qmA),
Libya (tjachnw), Nubier (nachsj)
- T15 Determinative for throw wood (amaAt),, foreign
people, Nubier (nachsj) abbreviation en: , Libya (tjachnw),
Nubier (nachsj)
- T16 Determinative for sickle sword (ichpsch)
- T17 Determinative and Ideogram for vehicle (wrrt)
- T18 sound sign for schms
- T19 sound sign for qs, qrs. Sound sign for gn, twr, twj
Determinative for bone (qs), röhrenartig, shaft (mAwt)
- T20 sound sign for qs, qrs. Sound sign for gn, twr, twj
Determinative for bone (qs), röhrenartig, shaft (mAwt)
- T21 Determinative and Ideogram for one (Va)
- T22 sound sign for sn Determinative and Ideogram for two
- T23 sound sign for sn Determinative and Ideogram for two
- T24 sound sign for aach (jach) Determinative for animal
with network aach (jach) catch
- T25 sound sign for djbA (dbA). Sharpen (Dm) Ideogram for
swimmer (at the fish network) (djbA)
- T26 Determinative and Ideogram for bird trap
- T27 Determinative and Ideogram for bird trap
- T28 sound sign for alas abbreviation for under (alas)
- T29 Determinative and Ideogram for battle place (nmt)
- T30 Determinative for knife (ds), sharply,, cut off
(damage), cut abbreviation for knife (dmt)
- T31 sound sign for sschm
- T32 sound sign for sschm
- T33 sound sign for *sschm
- T34 (nm)
- T35 sound sign for nm Determinative and Ideogram for
knife (nm)
U - Agriculture and Craft
list U22-U41.png|thumb|300px]] 41 hieroglyphics are in this
- U1 sound sign for mA Determinative and Ideogram for
sichelförmiges Steven (mA), sickle (Asich), Krummheit (ichabb)
- U2 sound sign for mA Determinative and Ideogram for
sichelförmiges Steven (mA), sickle (Asich), Krummheit (ichabb)
- U3 sound sign for mA (only in "see" mAA)
- U4 sound sign for mAa (only in "Maat" mAat) abbreviation
for aware (mAa)
- U5 sound sign for mAa (only in "Maat" mAat)
- U6 sound sign for mr Determinative for Mr Determinative
and Ideogram for dear (mr) (only Ideogram), up hoe (adj),
ground cultivate
- U8 sound sign for achn. Measure (ichAj) Ideogram for
knee handle hoe (achnn)
- U9 Determinative for Emmer (bdt), grain,, mass
- U10 Determinative and Ideogram for barley (jt), Emmer (bdt),
- U11 abbreviation for Heqat-measure (achqAt)
- U12 abbreviation for Heqat-measure (achqAt)
- U13 sound sign for hb. Sound sign for schna
Determinative for plows (skA)
- U14 sound sign for schna
- U15 sound sign for tm
- U16 sound sign for bjA ( = phonetic Determinative)
Determinative for sled (wnsch)
- U17 sound sign for grg. Ideogram for establish (grg)
- U18 sound sign for grg. Ideogram for establish (grg)
"select" (stp)
- U19 sound sign for nw
- U20 sound sign for nw
- U21 sound sign for stp sound sign for stp in, work stp
in "protection of ready" (stp-aA), stjp
- U22 sound sign for mnich Determinative for Lochbeitel (mnich),
with Lochbeitel
- U23 sound sign for mr, from
- U24 Ideogram for craft (achmt)
- U25 Ideogram for craft (achmt)
- U26 sound sign for wbA. Ideogram for open (wbA)
- U27 sound sign for wbA. Ideogram for open (wbA)
- U28 sound sign for djA. Ideogram for fire drilling (djA)
abbreviation for safely (wdjA), healthy
- U29 sound sign for djA. Ideogram for fire drilling (djA)
abbreviation for safely (wdjA), healthy *U30 sound sign for
tA. Ideogram for pots oven (tA)
- U31 sound sign for rtach, jtach, ichnr, ichnj
Determinative and Ideogram for baker (rtachtj)
- U32 sound sign for smn (zmn) Determinative for smash (sachm),
salt (alas rent), heavily (Dna)
- U33 sound sign for tj, t, tj (especially after the sound
alas). Ideogram for valve stem (tjt)
- U34 sound sign for ichsf. Ideogram for spin (ichsf)
- U35 sound sign for ichsf. Ideogram for spin (ichsf)
- U36 sound sign for alas<(u>m. Ideogram for washer
- U37 Determinative for shave (achaq) plumb
- U38 Determinative and Ideogram for scales (michAt)
- U39 sound sign for wtjs, tjs Determinative for pennants
of the scales (wtjst)
- U40 sound sign for wtjs, tjs Determinative for pennants
of the scales (wtjst)
- U41 Determinative for the scales (tich). V1 sound sign
for schn Determinative for cord (nwach), bind (tjs)
abbreviation for 100 (scht)
V - Rope, Fiber, Basket, etc.
38 hieroglyphics make up Group V.
Pack (arf)
- V2 sound sign for stjA sound sign for ace
- V3 sound sign for stjAw
- V4 sound sign for wA
- V5 Determinative for plan (sntj)
- V6 sound sign for schs, schsr, sschr, g (only in the
hieratischen) Determinative and Ideogram for cord (schs),,
clothing (achbs)
- V7 sound sign for schn
- V8 sound sign for schn
- V9 Determinative for cartridge (schnw)
- V10 Determinative for cartridge (schnw), name, king name
(the name
- V12 sound sign for arq. Solve (fich) sound sign for arq,
fich Determinative for, bind, papyrus roll (schfdw), papyrus
- V13 sound sign for tj (later also falsely as a "t"
uses). Cattle cord, foot fetter. This on consonant sign is
used in the so named
Hieroglyphen-ABC to the reproduction of the sound “tsch”.
- V14 sound sign for tj (becomes used around to indicate,
that this sound "t" become is)
- V15 abbreviation for do not seize (jtjj) sOWED (zA)
- V16 sound sign for. Ideogram for knot amulet (sOWED)
- V17 Ideogram for protection (sOWED)
- V18 Ideogram for protection (sOWED)
- V19 sound sign for tjmA, tmA Determinative and Ideogram
for cattle hurdle (mdjt),, mat (tmA), sack (achAr)
- V20 sound sign for mdj abbreviation for 10 (mdj)
- V21 sound sign for mdj
- V22 sound sign for make make
- V23 sound sign for
- V24 sound sign for wdj, wd
- V25 sound sign for wdj, wd
- V26 sound sign For adj, ad, andj Determinative for spool
- V28 sound sign for alas. This one
consonant sign is used in the so named
Hieroglyphen-ABC as the consonant “h”
(an emphatic sound, how it typically is for the Arabic
- V29 sound sign for sk, wAach. Phonetic Determinative:
wAach Determinative for ichsr
- V30 sound sign for nb. Ideogram for basket (nbt), each
(nr), everyone, gentleman
- V31 sound sign for k. Ideogram for you (to the man
said). Körbchen with handle. The consonant “k”.
- V32 sound sign for msn. Phonetic Determinative: gAw
Determinative for harpooned (msnw), duties (gAwt)
- V33 sound sign for sschr, g (rarely), schs Determinative
and Ideogram for lines (sschr), pack up (arf), bind (jdr),
lines bag
- V34 sound sign for sschr, g (rarely), schs Determinative
and Ideogram for lines (sschr), pack up (arf), bind (jdr),
lines bag
- V35 sound sign for sschr, g (rarely), schs Determinative
and Ideogram for lines (sschr), pack up. Ideogram for a
container (achn)
- V37 sound sign for jdr (also phonetic Det.)
Determinative for bind (jdr) *V38 Determinative for bandage
(wt), mummy cloth *V39 Ideogram for Tit-amulet (tjt)
W - Stone Containers and Tone
- W1 Determinative for ointment (mracht), oil
- W2 sound sign for bAs Determinative for Bas-container (bAs)
- W3 sound sign for achb (rarely) Determinative for
Alabaster (schs), festival (achb) abbreviation
for achbt in "ritual book" achrj-achbt
- W4 Determinative and Ideogram for festival (achb)
- W5 abbreviation for Vorlesepriester (achrj-achbt)
- W6 Determinative for boiler (wachAt)
- W7 sound sign for
mAtj, from Determinative for red granite (mAtj) (rENTED),
Elephantine (Abw) = origin plotted the granite
- W8 red granite (mAtj) (rENTED), Elephantine (Abw) origin
plotted the granite
- W9 sound sign for
achnm Determinative for Nechnem-oil (nachnm)
- W10 sound sign for jab, off, wsich, achnt (rarely)
phonetic Determinative: wsich, sichw Determinative for
goblet (jab)
- W10a sound sign for bA (rarely) sound
sign for bA
- W11 sound sign for g Determinative and Ideogram for seat
- W12 sound sign for g Determinative and Ideogram for seat
- W13 Determinative Sound sign for alas it (groaned)
Determinative and Ideogram for Heset-pitcher (most alas),
Senbet-pitcher (snbt) or similar containers
- W15 Determinative and Ideogram for clean (qbach) (only
Ideogram), water donor (only Ideogramm),
coolly its (qbb), Libation (qbach)
- W16 Determinative and Ideogram for Libation (qbach),
coolly its (qbb)
- W17 sound sign for ichnt. Ideogram for water pitchers in
the stand (ichntw), first ichnt (j)
- W18 sound sign for ichnt. Ideogram for water pitchers in
the stand (ichntw)
- W19 for mj (mr = more old)
- W20 for milk (jrtjt), milk container and contents
- W21 for wine (jrp), wine container and
- W22 and Ideogram for beer (achnqt), containers and its
contents, tribute (jnw), victim abbreviation for attendant
- W23 for container (qracht), containers and your contents
abbreviation for attendant (wdqw)
- W24 for nw, jn * (accompanies the signs Aa-27 and Aa-28)
get (jnj)
- W25 abbreviation for
X - Loaf and Cake
Group X includes 8 hieroglyphics.
- X1 bread loaf. Sound sign for t. Ideogram for bread (t)
abbreviation for father (jt). This on consonant sign is used
in the so named
Hieroglyphen-ABC to the reproduction of the consonant “t”.
- X2 Determinative and Ideogram for bread (t) abbreviation
en: - God Thot (djachwtj), father (jt) in "God father" (jt-ntjr)
- X3 Determinative for bread (t) abbreviation en: - God
Thot (djachwtj), father (jt) in "God father" (jt-ntjr)
- X4 sound sign for sn (zn), fpA Determinative for
nourishment victim (snw), bread, groceries
- X5 sound sign for sn Determinative for groceries, bread
- X6 sound sign for pAt Determinative for bread (pAt)
- X7 Determinative for bread halves (gsw), nourishment
victim (snw), nourishment
- X8 sound sign for d (very rarely). Give (rdjj) (djj)
Ideogram for
Y - Letters, Games, and Music
Group Y has 8 hieroglyphics.
- Y1 Determinative and Ideogram for book (mdjAt) (only Ideogram + phon. Write (sachA) Det.),, written, newly
its (mAwj),
largely its (aA), abstract abbreviation for - sum (dmdj)
- Y2 Determinative and Ideogram for book (mdjAt) (only Ideogram + phon. Write (sachA) Det.),,
written, newly its (mAwj), largely its (aA), abstract
abbreviation for - write (ssch) sum (dmdj)
- Y3 sound sign for naa, snaa Determinative for letter
thing (mnhd) abbreviation en for, write (ssch) writing
- Y4 sound sign for naa, snaa Determinative for letter
thing (mnhd) abbreviation en for, writing
- Y5 sound sign for mn
- Y6 sound sign for jbA Determinative and Ideogram for
game figure (jbA) abbreviation for dancer (jbA)
- Y7 Determinative and Ideogram for
Sistrum (sschscht)