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Ancient Egypt
At Play in the Fields of the Lord
Some truths are best communicated without the restrictions of language. |

What do Crop Circles mean?
What are they saying to us?
What are crop circles
Why does no one seem to see them being made?
Is there a spiritual principle
behind crop circles?
Don't dismiss them as bunk so quickly.
Serious crop circle researchers use rigid
criteria to
distinguish the genuine phenomenon from the man-made hoaxes.
The Circlemakers responsible for
this old-fashioned type of mathematical ingenuity remain at large and
unknown. Their handiwork flaunts a facility with Euclidean geometry and
signals an astonishing ability to bend living plants without cracking
stalks, and to trace out complex, precise patterns, most under cover of
darkness, with a few notable exceptions during daytime.
This crop circle can be approached as a glyph of
personality. The wheel with the single line of focus is the
System, or our definitions of reality. The moving pie-wheel, represents
the e-motions, and the ratcheting spiral the
thoughts and activities. It
spirals into its center point and back out again. The Triangle can be
approached 3rd (and indeed 4th) dimensionally as a Tetrahedron.
These so called crop circles are a co-created situation from many different
consciousnesses including all of ours. The energy that is manipulated is that of
our collective consciousness, of our planet's. The symbols are the expressions
of the symbolic dreaming that is going on in our collective consciousness now
that it is waking up and talking to itself.
There are others, other dimensional beings, extraterrestrial beings, other
levels of entities that are also involved in this co-creation. But basically
what the symbols represent is the collective consciousness of our entire world
speaking to itself, communicating to itself, waking itself up out a long,
long, long LONG dream....into a new dream. They are a bridge, a link from one
reality shift to another, a language.
Understand them by energy, understand them by tone, understand them by form,
understand them by how they allow you to feel, understand them by
understand them by mathematics, understand them by any language you wish to
because they are universal in that sense.
So many of them appear in Southern England because there is a focal point
there that has to do with linking an old age to a new age. In ancient England
were the remnants of the Druids that were offshoots of ancient Atlantian
knowledge and it became the seat of psychic exploration and society that formed
the link and the bridge into our modern age of exploration of consciousness and
There are other areas, and it is spreading around the globe, but Southern
England is a main focal point. It is a very magnetic spot for the idea of
carrying through from the old cycle to the new cycle. It represents of the
earliest gates and vortices through which the energy of the old world was
preserved and kept for a time when it would then be applicable and available to
the new age that we are creating. -Bashar
These phenomena are encoded keys of energy that are being communicated with
the earth at this time. They are a means to activate and re-awaken the earth's
subtle bodies. As you receive impressions within your dream state we are working
to harmonize and balance your subtle bodies, this is how we also work with the
earth, this is somewhat similar. It is an energetic exchange of energy and
information and as a by-product of this process we are able to leave physical
imprints upon the earth that all of humanity may see and recognize these keys.
They will activate openings and transformations not only within the planetary
bodies but within your own bodies working in an unconscious way - opening
energies and re-activating, re-awakening the most subtle aspects of your being.
They serve a purpose. It is a sign that you are not alone, that there is indeed
more than the physical. It is an energetic information that is working on many
levels with all of humanity - from those who are most awake to those who are
most asleep. Simply know that it is part of the process and that as you awaken
and open you will understand and have more of a resonance or connection with
many of these symbols. It is primarily for the earth and her body, of which you
are apart, that these encodements and these energies are transmitted. It enables
the shift in consciousness to be maintained and facilitated. -Ashtar
An interpretation of the WABI FARM circle created Sept 16, 2001


One of your last formations in the location you may call Wabi Farm, this
formation the one with the watery circle, the one with the wave pattern, the
weave pattern that appears to be waves of water, it is in that formation the
circle closest to the water trough. Have you examined this formation?
All right. It is in a sense a large area that is circular with a large ring
going through and in the large circular area there is both an upstanding
circle and a suggestion in the weave of another that is almost not really there.
And then in the ring that is penetrating these 3 circles, there is within that
ring another circle then outside that ring a smaller circle then farther away
the watery circle. Does that make sense and ring a bell?
All right. This glyph, as with all of them is many things and has many
different meanings it is multidimensional, you can glean much information from
it by looking at it from many different points of view. all of them are
correct... there is no just one meaning but we will share with you ONE
representation that ties into what we were just talking about:
That glyph is a representation of the Sirius system. As you examine it you
will understand.
-Bashar in a channeled communication through Darryl Anka Oct 20th, 2001
Though it has not been scientifically validated by most astronomers, Sirius
is a probably a trinary star group
For more possible interpretations of a wide range of crop circles and
crop circle inspired art check out
this site.
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Earth Shift